Arquivo diário: 24 24America/Sao_Paulo março 24America/Sao_Paulo 2011

Brasil tem 37,4 mi de usuários de banda larga

Dados liberados hoje pela Associação Brasileira de Telecomunicações (Telebrasil) apontam que os acessos utilizando banda larga (fixa e móvel) no país cresceram 52% em um ano, totalizando uma base de 37,4 milhões de assinantes.

No período de 12 meses, até fevereiro deste ano, foram ativados 12,8 milhões de novos acessos no país, representando 35 mil novos assinantes diariamente.
O Serviço Móvel Pessoal (SMP), que inclui conexão à internet via modems e redes 3G, cresceu 81,9% no mesmo período, passando de 12,9 milhões para 23,6 milhões de usuários.
Já a banda larga fixa, presente no Serviço de Comunicação Multimídia (SCM), teve um crescimento mais modesto de 18,8%, passando de 11,6 milhões para 13,8 milhões de assinantes.
De acordo com a Telebrasil, ao final de 2010 67% dos domicílios no país possuíam computador com acesso à internet banda larga (fixa e móvel).
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: Monica Campi, de INFO OnlineQuarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011 – 13h05.

Yahoo! renova serviço de buscas

O Yahoo apresentou nesta quarta-feira um serviço de buscas reformulado, com informações sobre filmes até previsão do tempo enquanto usuários digitam os termos da busca.

Executivos afirmaram que o novo serviço, o Search Direct, vai reduzir o tempo necessário para usuários encontrarem informações na Web. “As pessoas estão procurando por respostas, não por links”, afirmou o executivo do Yahoo Shashi Seth a jornalistas em San Francisco enquanto demonstrava o serviço.
O Yahoo afirmou que o Search Direct estará disponível nos Estados Unidos na quarta-feira em sua página de buscas, e gradualmente será ampliado para outras seções do Yahoo, incluindo sua página principal.
O serviço exibe informações em uma janela pop-up que é atualizada em tempo real enquanto o usuário digita os termos da busca, como no serviço de buscas do Google.
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: ReutersQuarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011 – 18h38

Água em Tóquio já está com nível normal de iodo

O nível de iodo radioativo na água da torneira em Tóquio voltou hoje (24) a ficar abaixo do limite legal.

A constatação é das autoridades japonesas que advertiram que 23 bairros da capital estavam ameaçados, assim como cinco cidades da região metropolitana da capital. As autoridades informam que a taxa de iodo em Tóquio baixou de 79 becqueréis por quilograma na estação de tratamento de Kanamachi (no departamento de Katsushika).
O limite máximo de iodo estabelecido é 100 becqueréis por quilo para que os bebês não sofram riscos nem ameaças. Ontem (23), a concentração de iodo radioativo chegou a 210 becqueréis, levando as autoridades a desaconselhar que fosse dada às crianças água da torneira.
A prefeitura de Tóquio, com 13 milhões de habitantes, está localizada a 250 quilômetros a sudoeste da Usina Nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi – onde houve explosões e vazamentos nucleares após o terremoto seguido de tsunami no último dia 11.
Pelos dados oficiais, o número de mortes em decorrência da catástrofe chega a 9.700 pessoas, enquanto 16.501 estão desaparecidas.
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: Agência BrasilQuinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011 – 10h03.

SP terá celulares iniciados com dígito 5

SP terá celulares iniciados com dígito 5

A Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) liberou o uso do dígito 5 para novos números de celulares na região metropolitana de São Paulo.

A partir do dia 4 de abril as operadoras já poderão oferecer números com o novo prefixo aos consumidores que utilizam o código de área 11.
Com isto, a numeração 5xxx-xxxx, utilizada atualmente por linhas de telefonia fixa, será compartilhada com a telefonia móvel, sendo necessário que a operadora informe, por meio de mensagem “chamada para celular”, que se trata de uma ligação para telefone móvel.
A decisão visa combater a falta de numeração disponível para a região, que se esgotaria até o final de 2011. Desta forma, serão incluídos 6,9 milhões de novos números, aumentando a capacidade atual de 37 milhões para 43,9 milhões de opções. Hoje a região já possui 28 milhões de assinantes de telefonia móvel.
A medida da Anatel pretende aliviar a procura de novos números nas operadoras, até que a ampliação do nono dígito para os números de telefones celulares, prevista para 2012, se concretize.
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: Monica Campi, de INFO OnlineQuarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011 – 12h05.

Telefónica investirá R$ 24 bi no país até 2014

Telefónica investirá R$ 24 bi no país até 2014

A Telefónica pretende investir 24,3 bilhões de reais no Brasil entre 2011 e 2014, aumento de 52 por cento sobre o total no quadriênio anterior.

Os recursos serão destinados à modernização e expansão de redes e lançamento de produtos e serviços em telefonia e banda larga nas tecnologias fixa e móvel, além de TV por assinatura.
Em comunicado nesta quarta-feira, o grupo espanhol informou que o valor também inclui a expectativa de gastos com aquisições de licenças para operação.
No Brasil, a Telefónica controla a Telesp, empresa de telefonia fixa em São Paulo, e a Vivo, maior operadora móvel no mercado brasileiro. O presidente mundial da Telefónica, Cesar Alierta, se reuniu nesta quarta com a presidente Dilma Rousseff para apresentar o plano de investimentos.
De 2007 a 2010, o grupo espanhol de telecomunicações investiu 16 bilhões de reais no país.
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: ReutersQuinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011 – 00h11.

O Kinect é só o começo

O Kinect é só o começo

Depois de hackeado, o controle de games da Microsoft é usado em projetos como o de um robô que rastreia vítimas em áreas de desastres.


Poucos dias foram necessários para invadir o Kinect, da Microsoft, e fazer coisas que levaram a fabricante ameaçar até chamar a polícia contra mais de 1 milhão de pessoas que compraram o produto nos dez dias depois de 4 de novembro de 2010, quando foi lançado nos Estados Unidos. A maioria dos consumidores correu para casa, plugou o sistema no console Xbox e começou a experimentar uma nova maneira de jogar. O Kinect detecta gestos a distância e os utiliza para controlar o game. Como diz o slogan: “Você é o controle”.


Alguns dos compradores, no entanto, estavam planejando seguir as palavras da Microsoft mais literalmente. Para esses habilidosos hackers, foi uma rara oportunidade de inspecionar o funcionamento de um eletrônico de consumo de uma grande empresa e descobrir o que ele pode realmente fazer.


A tecnologia usada no Kinect inclui uma sofisticada câmera para detecção de profundidade e um scanner infravermelho. Fazê-lo funcionar com qualquer computador e novos aplicativos eram os próximos passos. “No dia em que o Kinect foi anunciado, ficamos pensando: ‘Vamos fazer a engenharia reversa’”, diz Kyle Machulis, hacker da Califórnia.


O que aconteceu depois surpreendeu os hackers. A Adafruit Industries, empresa de Nova York que produz kits de eletrônica do tipo faça você mesmo, anunciou no dia do lançamento que daria 1 000 dólares à primeira pessoa que conseguisse fazer o Kinect rodar no Windows ou em outro sistema operacional. A Microsoft também deu um incentivo, mesmo sem querer. Poucas horas após o anúncio, a companhia disse que não iria tolerar modificações no Kinect e que “trabalharia de maneira muito próxima das forças da lei para garantir que o Kinect fosse resistente a modificações”. Era o desafio que os hackers queriam. A Adafruit dobrou o prêmio para 2 000 dólares.


“De repente, virou uma corrida”, diz Machulis. Mas ele e seus amigos estavam estagnados. Fazer engenharia reversa é como quebrar um código. Os hackers precisam ouvir a “conversa” entre um aparelho e o computador para finalmente entender a linguagem que os dois usam para se comunicar. Mas o Kinect produz uma grande quantidade de dados que vêm de sua câmera, de seus quatro microfones e do sistema de detecção de profundidade. É preciso ter um hardware chamado USB analyser (analisador de USB) para ler e gravar todos esses dados. A Adafruit e vários outros já tinham comprado um aparelho desses, mas a entrega só seria feita dentro de alguns dias.


Enquanto eles esperavam, outros começaram a trabalhar. Já no dia 6 de novembro, um sábado, o hacker chamado AlexP tinha conseguido controlar os motores do Kinect. A Microsoft tentou abafar a notícia, dizendo que o Kinect não tinha sido hackeado. A comunidade viu isso como uma afronta. E o prêmio da Adafruit subiu para 3 000 dólares.

Fonte e Direitos Autorais: Jim Giles, da New ScientistQuinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011 – 07h49.

Twitter amanhece fora do ar nesta quinta em SP

O Twitter amanheceu fora do ar hoje para a maioria dos usuários paulistanos.

Mesmo por meio de outras plataformas e aplicativos, como pelo iPhone ou pelo Tweetdeck, não é possível acessar o serviço.
A intermitência começou ainda na noite de ontem. Hoje, alguns usuários conseguem acessar o serviço por meio do aplicativo Hootsuite.
No blog Twitter Status, por enquanto, não há nenhuma mensagem confirmando a instabilidade.
Mais informações em breve.
Fonte e Direitos Autorais: Vinicius Aguiari, de INFO OnlineQuinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011 – 09h42.

Build List – SQL Server 2008


Estou de volta, com mais uma relação de Services Packs, Cumulative Packs e Hotfixs disponíveis para o SQL Server 2008.

Veja a evolução do número das versões após aplicação dos Service Packs:

Version Build KB Article
Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2008 10.0.4000.00 968369
Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2008 10.0.2531.00 968369
RTM 10.0.1600.22 N/A

Segue abaixo a relação:

Build KB Article Title Description
10.0.4279.00 2498535 SQL Server 2008 SP2 CU 3 CU#3 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2. Fixes include issues with Merge replication, mirroring suspension issues, various T-SQL issues among others.
10.0.4272.00 2467239 SQL Server 2008 SP2 CU 2 CU#2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2. Fixes include recovering LOB pages from failed inserts, custom resolver issues in replication, and issues with online index rebuilds among others.
10.0.4266.00 2289254 SQL Server 2008 SP2 CU 1 The first CU after SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2.
10.0.4000.00 2285068 SQL Server 2008 SP2 The second service pack for SQL Server 2008.
10.0.2816.00 2497673 Cumulative Update 13 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The 13th rollup of patches for Service Pack 1. Fixes include mirroring issues, Agent scheduling issues, and various T-SQL fixes.
10.0.2808.00 2467236 Cumulative Update 12 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The 12th rollup of patches for Service Pack 1. Fixes include clustering IPv6 problems, join performance fixes, and SSAS crashes.
10.0.2804.00 2413738 Cumulative Update 11 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The 11th rollup of patches for Service Pack 1. Fixed include fixes for too many VLFs during recovery, MDX issues in BIDS, and a few analysis services fixes.
10.0.2799.00 2279604 Cumulative Update 10 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The tenth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2789.00 2083921 Cumulative Update 9 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The ninth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2775.00 981702 Cumulative Update 8 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The eighth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2766.00 979065 Cumulative Update 7 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The sixth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2757.00 977443 Cumulative Update 6 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The sixth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2746.00 975977 Cumulative Update 5 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The fifth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2734.00 973602 Cumulative Update 4 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The fourth rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2723.00 971491 Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The third rollup of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2714.00 970315 Cumulative Update 2 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The second roll-up of patches for Service Pack 1.
10.0.2710.00 969099 Cumulative Update 1 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The first roll-up of patches for Service Pack 1. Includes CU4 patches for RTM that didn’t make it in SP1.
10.0.2531.00 968369 Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2008 SP1
10.0.1835.00 979064 Cumulative Update 10 for SQL Server 2008 SP1 The tenth rollup of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1828.00 977444 Cumulative Update 9 for SQL Server 2008 The 9th roll-up of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1823.00 975976 Cumulative Update 8 for SQL Server 2008 The 8th roll-up of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1818.00 973601 Cumulative Update 7 for SQL Server 2008 The 7th roll-up of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1812.00 971490 Cumulative Update 6 for SQL Server 2008 The 6th roll-up of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1806.00 969531 Cumulative Update 5 for SQL Server 2008 The 5th roll-up of patches for SQL Server 2008 RTM.
10.0.1798.00 963036 Cumulative Update 4 for SQL Server 2008 The fourth roll-up of patches since the RTM version.
10.0.1787.00 960484 Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2008 The third roll-up of patches since the RTM version.
10.0.1779.00 958186 Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 The second roll-up of patches since the RTM version.
10.0.1763.00 956717 Cumulative update package 1 for SQL Server 2008 The first roll-up of patches since the RTM version.
10.0.1755.00 957387 FIX: No records may be returned when you call the SQLExecute function to execute a prepared statement and you use the SQL Native Client ODBC Driver in SQL Server 2008
10.0.1600.22 RTM

Build List – SQL Server 2005

Bom dia,

Segue abaixo a relação de Services Packs, Cumulative Packs e Hot-fixs disponíveis para o SQL Server 2005:

Build Kb Article URL Description
9.00.5266 2507769 Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5259 2489409 Cumulative Update 2 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5054 2463332 Cumulative Update 1 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5000 2463332 SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.4325 2507766 Cumulative update package 15 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4317 2489375 Cumulative update package 14 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4315 2438344 Cumulative update package 13 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4311 2345449 Cumulative update package 12 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4309 2258854 Cumulative update package 11 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4305 983329 Cumulative update package 10 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4294 980176 Cumulative update package 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4290 960598 Post SP3 Hot fix, documented on the “All Builds” page at Microsoft for this SP. You receive error 8623 and non-yielding scheduler error intermittently when you try to clean up old expired notifications in SQL Server 2008
9.00.4285 978915;en-us;978915 Cumulative update package 8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4273 960598 Cumulative update package 7 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4266 974648 Cumulative update package 6 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4262 970894 MS09-062: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 QFE: October 13, 2009
9.00.4230 972511 Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4226 970279 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 4
9.00.4220 967909 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 3
9.00.4211 961930 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 2
9.00.4207 959195 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 1
9.00.4053 MS09-062 Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
9.00.4035 955706 Service Pack 3
9.00.3356 976952 Cumulative update package 17 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3355 974647 Cumulative update package 16 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3330 972510 Cumulative update package 15 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3328 970278 Cumulative update package 14 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3325 967908 Cumulative update package 13 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3315 962970 Cumulative update package 12 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3310 960090 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 QFE: February 10, 2009
9.00.3301 958735 Cumulative Update 11 for Service Pack 2
9.00.3295 959132 FIX: Error message when you install Cumulative Update 10 or Cumulative Update 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 on a drive that uses the FAT32 file system
9.00.3294 956854 Cumulative update package 10 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of Octboer 21, 2008
9.00.3289 xx Hotfix now rolled into CU 10. Listed in the Post-SP2 builds
9.00.3282 953752 Cumulative update package 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of August 19, 2008
9.00.3260 954950 FIX: Error message when you run a distributed query in SQL Server 2005: “OLE DB provider ‘SQLNCLI’ for linked server ” returned message ‘No transaction is active'”
9.00.3259 954669 FIX: An ongoing MS DTC transaction is orphaned in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3257 951217 Cumulative update package 8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of June 16, 2008
9.00.3239 949095 Cumulative update package 7 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 available as of April 28, 2008
9.00.3232 949959 Merge Replication Hotfix
9.00.3231 949687 FIX: Error message when you run a transaction from a remote server by using a linked server in SQL Server 2005: “This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction”
9.00.3228 946608 Cumulative Update 6 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3215 943656 Cumulative Update 5 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3200 941450;en-us;941450 Cumulative Update 4 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3186 939537 Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3182 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001298, 50001324, and 50001440
9.00.3180 939942 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to access a report after you configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to run under the SharePoint integrated mode
9.00.3179 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001482 and 50001194
9.00.3178 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001193 and 50001352
9.00.3177 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001391, 50001367, 50001379, 50001408, and 50001397
9.00.3175 936305 Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3171 937745 FIX: You may receive error messages when you try to log in to an instance of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server handles many concurrent connections
9.00.3169 937041 FIX: Changes in the publisher database are not replicated to the subscribers in a transactional replication if the publisher database runs exposed
9.00.3166 936185 FIX: Blocking and performance problems may occur when you enable trace flag 1118 in SQL Server 2005 if the temporary table creation workload is high
9.00.3162 935360 ( FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query that retrieves data from an Analysis Services database: “An error occurred while the dimension…
9.00.3162 935922 FIX: Error message when you install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: “Setup failed to validate specified Reporting Services Report Server”
9.00.3162 932610 FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: “An unexpected error occurred…
9.00.3162 935829
9.00.3162 935830 FIX: A server may start slowly if you have SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services installed and if many objects are stored on the server
9.00.3162 935832 FIX: You cannot cancel an MDX query that runs for a long time in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
9.00.3161 935356 Cumulative update package (build 3161) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3159 934459 FIX: The Check Database Integrity task and the Execute T-SQL Statement task in a maintenance plan may lose database context
9.00.3156 934226 FIX: Error message when you try to use Database Mail to send an e-mail message in SQL Server 2005: “profile name is not valid (Microsoft SQL Server Error 14607)”
9.00.3155 933549 FIX: You may receive an access violation when you perform a bulk copy operation in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3154 934106 FIX: SQL Server 2005 database engine generates failed assertion errors when you use the Replication Monitor to monitor the distribution database
9.00.3154 934109 FIX: The Distribution Agent generates an access violation when you configure a transaction publication to run an additional script after the snapshot is applied
9.00.3154 934188 FIX: The Distribution Agent does not deliver commands to the Subscriber even if the Distribution Agent is running in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3153 933564 FIX: A gradual increase in memory consumption for the USERSTORE_TOKENPERM cache store occurs in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3152 9333097 Cumulative hotfix package (build 3152) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3152 9333097 Cumulative hotfix package (build 3152) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3080 970895 MS09-062: Description of the security update for GDI+ for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 GDR: October 13, 2009
9.00.3077 960089 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 GDR: February 10, 2009
9.00.3073 954606 MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 GDR: September 9, 2008
9.00.3068 948109 Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 GDR: July 8, 2008
9.00.3054 934458 FIX: The Check Database Integrity task and the Execute T-SQL Statement task in a maintenance plan may lose database context in certain circumstances in SQL Server 2005 builds 3042 through 3053
9.00.3050 933508 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 issue: Cleanup tasks run at different intervals than intended
9.00.3043 Service Pack 2 Refresh
9.00.3042 N/A Service Pack 2 Original
9.00.3026 929376 FIX: A “17187” error message may be logged in the Errorlog file when an instance of SQL Server 2005 is under a heavy load
9.00.2233 937544 FIX: You may receive error 3456 when you try to restore a transaction log for a SQL Server 2005 database
9.00.2227 934066 FIX: The row of data on the publisher and the row of data on the subscriber may be inconsistent in a merge publication after synchronization has occurred in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2224 932990 FIX: You cannot obtain statements in the current batch in SQL Server 2005 by using the DBCC INPUTBUFFER statement, trace flag 1204, deadlock graph event class, or Activity Monitor
9.00.2221 931593 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 2047
9.00.2219 931329 FIX: Error message when you run a query in Microsoft SQL Server 2005: “Msg 8624, Level 16, State 116 Internal Query Processor Error
9.00.2218 931843 FIX: SQL Server 2005 does not reclaim the disk space that is allocated to the temporary table if the stored procedure is stopped
9.00.2215 931666 FIX: An assertion violation may be logged after you install SQL Server 2005 or after you add more processors to a server that is running SQL Server 2005
9.00.2214 930505 FIX: Error message when you run DML statements against a table that is published for merge replication in SQL Server 2005: “Could not find stored procedure”
9.00.2214 929240 FIX: I/O requests that are generated by the checkpoint process may cause I/O bottlenecks if the I/O subsystem is not fast enough to sustain the IO requests in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2214 930775 FIX: Error message when you try to retrieve rows from a cursor that uses the OPTION (RECOMPILE) query hint in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2211 930284 FIX: You receive error 1456 when you try to add a witness to a DBM session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2211 930283 FIX: You receive error 1456 when you add a witness to a database mirroring session and the database name is the same as an existing database mirroring session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2209 929278 FIX: SQL Server 2005 may not perform histogram amendments when you use trace flags 2389 and 2390
9.00.2208 929404 FIX: Error message when you perform a transaction log backup operation and another data backup operation in parallel in SQL Server 2005: “Error 3633”
9.00.2208 929179 FIX: A memory leak may occur every time that you synchronize a SQL Server Mobile subscriber in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2207 928789 FIX: Error message in the database mail log when you try to use the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure to send an e-mail in SQL Server 2005: “Invalid XML message format received on the ExternalMailQueue”
9.00.2207 928394 FIX: The changes are not reflected in the publication database after you reinitialize the subscriptions in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2207 928372 FIX: Error message when you use a synonym for a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005: “A severe error occurred on the current command”
9.00.2206 928083 FIX: You may receive an error message when you run a CLR stored procedure or CLR function that uses a context connection in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2202 927643 FIX: Some search results are missing when you perform a full-text search operation on a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 site after you upgrade to SQL Server 2005
9.00.2201 927289 FIX: Updates to the SQL Server Mobile subscriber may not be reflected in the SQL Server 2005 merge publication
9.00.2198 926612 FIX: SQL Server Agent does not send an alert quickly or does not send an alert when you use an alert of the SQL Server event alert type in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 926106 FIX: You receive an error message when you use the Print Preview option on a large report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
9.00.2198 925277 FIX: You may experience very large growth increments of a principal database after you manually fail over a database mirroring session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 924807 FIX: The restore operation may take a long time to finish when you restore a database in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 924686 FIX: The database mirroring session may remain in the synchronizing state and may stop responding when a database failover occurs in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 926613 FIX: You may receive inconsistent results when you query a table that is published in a transactional replication in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2196 926024 FIX: The query performance is very slow when you use a fast forward-only cursor to run a query in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2195 926240 FIX: SQL Server 2005 may stop responding when you use the SqlBulkCopy class to import data from another data source
9.00.2183 924291 FIX: Error message when you execute a user-defined function in SQL Server 2005: “Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function”
9.00.2181 923605 FIX: A deadlock occurs and a query never finishes when you run the query on a computer that is running SQL Server 2005 and has multiple processors
9.00.2176 922594 FIX: Error message when you use SQL Server 2005: “High priority system task thread Operating system error Exception 0xAE encountered”
9.00.2175 922579 FIX: The operation may take longer than you expect when you run a warm query to obtain information from the Microsoft Search service in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2175 921536 FIX: A handled access violation may occur in the CValSwitch::GetDataX function when you run a complex query in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2175 920794 FIX: The size of the e-mail message is very large when you use Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 to send query results to users
9.00.2167 921295 FIX: You may receive an incorrect result when you try to run a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query by using SQL Server 2005
9.00.2167 921293 FIX: The description for the Dimension field is not set in the local cube file when you use the CREATE LOCAL CUBE statement in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2164 919243 FIX: Some rows in the Text Data column are always displayed for a trace that you create by using SQL Server Profiler in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2164 918832 FIX: An inefficient or incorrect SQL query is generated when you try to use SQL Server 2005 to browse a ROLAP dimension
9.00.2153 919224 Error message when you connect to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Integration Services by using SQL Server Management Studio on a computer that has a 64-bit processor
9.00.2153 918222 Cumulative hotfix package (build 2153) for SQL Server 2005 is available
9.00.2050 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 2047
9.00.2047 N/A Service Pack 1
9.00.1561 932556 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1500 and later builds
9.00.1558 926493
FIX: Error message when you restore a transaction-log backup that is generated in SQL Server 2000 SP4 to an instance of SQL Server 2005
9.00.1551 922527 FIX: Error message when you schedule some SQL Server 2005 Integration Services packages to run as jobs: “Package has been cancelled”
9.00.1545 919193 FIX: A forward-only cursor may be implicitly converted to a keyset cursor in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1532 916046 N/A KB916046 : FIX: Indexes may grow very large when you insert a row into a table and then update the same row in SQL Server 2005>KB916046 : FIX: Indexes may grow very large when you insert a row into a table and then update the same row in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1528 915307 FIX: You experience a slow uploading process if conflicts occur when many merge agents upload changes
9.00.1528 915306 FIX: The merge agent fails and a “permission denied” error message is logged when you synchronize a SQL Server 2005-based merge publication
9.00.1528 915309 FIX: When you start a merge agent, synchronization between the subscriber and the publisher takes a long time to be completed in SQL
9.00.1528 915308 FIX: The CPU usage of the server reaches 100% when many DML activities occur in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1519 913494 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1399
9.00.1406 932557 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1399
9.00.1399 N/A RTM
Build Kb Article URL Description
9.00.5266 2507769 Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5259 2489409 Cumulative Update 2 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5054 2463332 Cumulative Update 1 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.5000 2463332 SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
9.00.4325 2507766 Cumulative update package 15 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4317 2489375 Cumulative update package 14 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4315 2438344 Cumulative update package 13 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4311 2345449 Cumulative update package 12 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4309 2258854 Cumulative update package 11 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4305 983329 Cumulative update package 10 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4294 980176 Cumulative update package 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4290 960598 Post SP3 Hot fix, documented on the “All Builds” page at Microsoft for this SP. You receive error 8623 and non-yielding scheduler error intermittently when you try to clean up old expired notifications in SQL Server 2008
9.00.4285 978915;en-us;978915 Cumulative update package 8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4273 960598 Cumulative update package 7 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4266 974648 Cumulative update package 6 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4262 970894 MS09-062: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 QFE: October 13, 2009
9.00.4230 972511 Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
9.00.4226 970279 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 4
9.00.4220 967909 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 3
9.00.4211 961930 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 2
9.00.4207 959195 Service Pack 3 Cumulative Update 1
9.00.4053 MS09-062 Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
9.00.4035 955706 Service Pack 3
9.00.3356 976952 Cumulative update package 17 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3355 974647 Cumulative update package 16 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3330 972510 Cumulative update package 15 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3328 970278 Cumulative update package 14 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3325 967908 Cumulative update package 13 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3315 962970 Cumulative update package 12 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3310 960090 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 QFE: February 10, 2009
9.00.3301 958735 Cumulative Update 11 for Service Pack 2
9.00.3295 959132 FIX: Error message when you install Cumulative Update 10 or Cumulative Update 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 on a drive that uses the FAT32 file system
9.00.3294 956854 Cumulative update package 10 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of Octboer 21, 2008
9.00.3289 xx Hotfix now rolled into CU 10. Listed in the Post-SP2 builds
9.00.3282 953752 Cumulative update package 9 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of August 19, 2008
9.00.3260 954950 FIX: Error message when you run a distributed query in SQL Server 2005: “OLE DB provider ‘SQLNCLI’ for linked server ” returned message ‘No transaction is active'”
9.00.3259 954669 FIX: An ongoing MS DTC transaction is orphaned in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3257 951217 Cumulative update package 8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 as of June 16, 2008
9.00.3239 949095 Cumulative update package 7 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 available as of April 28, 2008
9.00.3232 949959 Merge Replication Hotfix
9.00.3231 949687 FIX: Error message when you run a transaction from a remote server by using a linked server in SQL Server 2005: “This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction”
9.00.3228 946608 Cumulative Update 6 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3215 943656 Cumulative Update 5 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3200 941450;en-us;941450 Cumulative Update 4 contains hotfixes for SQL Server 2005 issues that have been fixed since the release of Service Pack 2.
9.00.3186 939537 Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
9.00.3182 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001298, 50001324, and 50001440
9.00.3180 939942 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to access a report after you configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to run under the SharePoint integrated mode
9.00.3179 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001482 and 50001194
9.00.3178 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001193 and 50001352
9.00.3177 N/A N/A On-demand build with hotfixes: 50001391, 50001367, 50001379, 50001408, and 50001397
9.00.3175 936305 Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3171 937745 FIX: You may receive error messages when you try to log in to an instance of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server handles many concurrent connections
9.00.3169 937041 FIX: Changes in the publisher database are not replicated to the subscribers in a transactional replication if the publisher database runs exposed
9.00.3166 936185 FIX: Blocking and performance problems may occur when you enable trace flag 1118 in SQL Server 2005 if the temporary table creation workload is high
9.00.3162 935360 ( FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query that retrieves data from an Analysis Services database: “An error occurred while the dimension…
9.00.3162 935922 FIX: Error message when you install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: “Setup failed to validate specified Reporting Services Report Server”
9.00.3162 932610 FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services: “An unexpected error occurred…
9.00.3162 935829
9.00.3162 935830 FIX: A server may start slowly if you have SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services installed and if many objects are stored on the server
9.00.3162 935832 FIX: You cannot cancel an MDX query that runs for a long time in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
9.00.3161 935356 Cumulative update package (build 3161) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3159 934459 FIX: The Check Database Integrity task and the Execute T-SQL Statement task in a maintenance plan may lose database context
9.00.3156 934226 FIX: Error message when you try to use Database Mail to send an e-mail message in SQL Server 2005: “profile name is not valid (Microsoft SQL Server Error 14607)”
9.00.3155 933549 FIX: You may receive an access violation when you perform a bulk copy operation in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3154 934106 FIX: SQL Server 2005 database engine generates failed assertion errors when you use the Replication Monitor to monitor the distribution database
9.00.3154 934109 FIX: The Distribution Agent generates an access violation when you configure a transaction publication to run an additional script after the snapshot is applied
9.00.3154 934188 FIX: The Distribution Agent does not deliver commands to the Subscriber even if the Distribution Agent is running in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3153 933564 FIX: A gradual increase in memory consumption for the USERSTORE_TOKENPERM cache store occurs in SQL Server 2005
9.00.3152 9333097 Cumulative hotfix package (build 3152) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3152 9333097 Cumulative hotfix package (build 3152) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is available
9.00.3080 970895 MS09-062: Description of the security update for GDI+ for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 GDR: October 13, 2009
9.00.3077 960089 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 GDR: February 10, 2009
9.00.3073 954606 MS08-052: Description of the security update for GDI+ for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 GDR: September 9, 2008
9.00.3068 948109 Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 GDR: July 8, 2008
9.00.3054 934458 FIX: The Check Database Integrity task and the Execute T-SQL Statement task in a maintenance plan may lose database context in certain circumstances in SQL Server 2005 builds 3042 through 3053
9.00.3050 933508 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 issue: Cleanup tasks run at different intervals than intended
9.00.3043 Service Pack 2 Refresh
9.00.3042 N/A Service Pack 2 Original
9.00.3026 929376 FIX: A “17187” error message may be logged in the Errorlog file when an instance of SQL Server 2005 is under a heavy load
9.00.2233 937544 FIX: You may receive error 3456 when you try to restore a transaction log for a SQL Server 2005 database
9.00.2227 934066 FIX: The row of data on the publisher and the row of data on the subscriber may be inconsistent in a merge publication after synchronization has occurred in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2224 932990 FIX: You cannot obtain statements in the current batch in SQL Server 2005 by using the DBCC INPUTBUFFER statement, trace flag 1204, deadlock graph event class, or Activity Monitor
9.00.2221 931593 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 2047
9.00.2219 931329 FIX: Error message when you run a query in Microsoft SQL Server 2005: “Msg 8624, Level 16, State 116 Internal Query Processor Error
9.00.2218 931843 FIX: SQL Server 2005 does not reclaim the disk space that is allocated to the temporary table if the stored procedure is stopped
9.00.2215 931666 FIX: An assertion violation may be logged after you install SQL Server 2005 or after you add more processors to a server that is running SQL Server 2005
9.00.2214 930505 FIX: Error message when you run DML statements against a table that is published for merge replication in SQL Server 2005: “Could not find stored procedure”
9.00.2214 929240 FIX: I/O requests that are generated by the checkpoint process may cause I/O bottlenecks if the I/O subsystem is not fast enough to sustain the IO requests in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2214 930775 FIX: Error message when you try to retrieve rows from a cursor that uses the OPTION (RECOMPILE) query hint in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2211 930284 FIX: You receive error 1456 when you try to add a witness to a DBM session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2211 930283 FIX: You receive error 1456 when you add a witness to a database mirroring session and the database name is the same as an existing database mirroring session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2209 929278 FIX: SQL Server 2005 may not perform histogram amendments when you use trace flags 2389 and 2390
9.00.2208 929404 FIX: Error message when you perform a transaction log backup operation and another data backup operation in parallel in SQL Server 2005: “Error 3633”
9.00.2208 929179 FIX: A memory leak may occur every time that you synchronize a SQL Server Mobile subscriber in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2207 928789 FIX: Error message in the database mail log when you try to use the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure to send an e-mail in SQL Server 2005: “Invalid XML message format received on the ExternalMailQueue”
9.00.2207 928394 FIX: The changes are not reflected in the publication database after you reinitialize the subscriptions in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2207 928372 FIX: Error message when you use a synonym for a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005: “A severe error occurred on the current command”
9.00.2206 928083 FIX: You may receive an error message when you run a CLR stored procedure or CLR function that uses a context connection in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2202 927643 FIX: Some search results are missing when you perform a full-text search operation on a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 site after you upgrade to SQL Server 2005
9.00.2201 927289 FIX: Updates to the SQL Server Mobile subscriber may not be reflected in the SQL Server 2005 merge publication
9.00.2198 926612 FIX: SQL Server Agent does not send an alert quickly or does not send an alert when you use an alert of the SQL Server event alert type in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 926106 FIX: You receive an error message when you use the Print Preview option on a large report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
9.00.2198 925277 FIX: You may experience very large growth increments of a principal database after you manually fail over a database mirroring session in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 924807 FIX: The restore operation may take a long time to finish when you restore a database in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 924686 FIX: The database mirroring session may remain in the synchronizing state and may stop responding when a database failover occurs in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2198 926613 FIX: You may receive inconsistent results when you query a table that is published in a transactional replication in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2196 926024 FIX: The query performance is very slow when you use a fast forward-only cursor to run a query in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2195 926240 FIX: SQL Server 2005 may stop responding when you use the SqlBulkCopy class to import data from another data source
9.00.2183 924291 FIX: Error message when you execute a user-defined function in SQL Server 2005: “Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function”
9.00.2181 923605 FIX: A deadlock occurs and a query never finishes when you run the query on a computer that is running SQL Server 2005 and has multiple processors
9.00.2176 922594 FIX: Error message when you use SQL Server 2005: “High priority system task thread Operating system error Exception 0xAE encountered”
9.00.2175 922579 FIX: The operation may take longer than you expect when you run a warm query to obtain information from the Microsoft Search service in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2175 921536 FIX: A handled access violation may occur in the CValSwitch::GetDataX function when you run a complex query in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2175 920794 FIX: The size of the e-mail message is very large when you use Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 to send query results to users
9.00.2167 921295 FIX: You may receive an incorrect result when you try to run a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query by using SQL Server 2005
9.00.2167 921293 FIX: The description for the Dimension field is not set in the local cube file when you use the CREATE LOCAL CUBE statement in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2164 919243 FIX: Some rows in the Text Data column are always displayed for a trace that you create by using SQL Server Profiler in SQL Server 2005
9.00.2164 918832 FIX: An inefficient or incorrect SQL query is generated when you try to use SQL Server 2005 to browse a ROLAP dimension
9.00.2153 919224 Error message when you connect to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Integration Services by using SQL Server Management Studio on a computer that has a 64-bit processor
9.00.2153 918222 Cumulative hotfix package (build 2153) for SQL Server 2005 is available
9.00.2050 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 2047
9.00.2047 N/A Service Pack 1
9.00.1561 932556 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1500 and later builds
9.00.1558 926493
FIX: Error message when you restore a transaction-log backup that is generated in SQL Server 2000 SP4 to an instance of SQL Server 2005
9.00.1551 922527 FIX: Error message when you schedule some SQL Server 2005 Integration Services packages to run as jobs: “Package has been cancelled”
9.00.1545 919193 FIX: A forward-only cursor may be implicitly converted to a keyset cursor in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1532 916046 N/A KB916046 : FIX: Indexes may grow very large when you insert a row into a table and then update the same row in SQL Server 2005>KB916046 : FIX: Indexes may grow very large when you insert a row into a table and then update the same row in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1528 915307 FIX: You experience a slow uploading process if conflicts occur when many merge agents upload changes
9.00.1528 915306 FIX: The merge agent fails and a “permission denied” error message is logged when you synchronize a SQL Server 2005-based merge publication
9.00.1528 915309 FIX: When you start a merge agent, synchronization between the subscriber and the publisher takes a long time to be completed in SQL
9.00.1528 915308 FIX: The CPU usage of the server reaches 100% when many DML activities occur in SQL Server 2005
9.00.1519 913494 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1399
9.00.1406 932557 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 1399
9.00.1399 N/A RTM

Veja a evolução das versões após aplicados dos Services Packs:

RTM 9.00.1399.06
SP1 9.00.2047
SP2 9.00.3042
SP3 9.00.4035
SP4 9.00.5000